

Black Soybean Sweets Fair

Fair of Bread and Sweets Made with Tambasasayama-Grown Black Soybeans Now Open!

Delicious sweets packed with plenty of black soybeans grown in Tambasasayama.

The cultivation of black soybeans in Tambasasayama, recognized as a Japanese Agricultural Heritage, is renowned.

The highest-quality black soybeans from Tambasasayama, a staple of New Year's dishes, known for their large, plump, and chewy texture, as well as the roasted aroma of black soybean flour.

Not only are they rich in isoflavones, anthocyanins (polyphenols), soybean peptides, and dietary fiber, but their nutritional value makes them a must-have ingredient.

Enjoy the black soybean sweets that will delight both your body and soul!

Here are some of the irresistible black soybean sweets you can enjoy in Tambasasayama!

Tambasasayama Black Soybean Sweets Fair

Tambasasayama Black Soybean Sweets Fair

Correction: ③ Tambasasayama Hyakkeikan Closed on Wednesday → Thursday


Organized by:

Tambasasayama Brand Products Strategy Council (Tambasasayama City, JA Tambasasayama, Hyogo Prefecture Tamba Regional Office)

Planning and Management:

Tambasasayama City Tourism Association (General Incorporated Association) @tb_sasayama

97, Kitashin-machi, Tambasasayama City, Hyogo Prefecture, 079-506-1535